May 2024

Your Land

Your Farm

Ranching in rural Nebraska allows ample space for Ryan Sexson to ride his horses, something he's enjoyed since he was a baby riding with his mom. (Joel Reichenberger)

The stigma surrounding the topic of mental health and a scarcity of health care professionals pose challenges to mental health care in rural America, but the outlook is gradually improving.

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Your Life

(LordHenriVoton, Getty Images)

Cornerstones highlights thought-provoking quotes from notable folks.


Use of a newly developed vaccine could be more efficient for cattle producers to prevent bovine respiratory disease. (Jim Patrico)

LSU researcher develops BRD vaccine that could help prevent most common cattle disease.


Permission to Feel, Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help Our Kids, Ourselves, and Our Society Thrive by Mark Brackett, Ph.D. (Courtesy of the publisher)

Recognizing, understanding, labeling, expressing and regulating our emotions can not only improve our mental health, but also our relationships, our physical health and our performance in our family businesses.

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Past Issues

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